
Everything Will Be Alright

Greatfather Aldrimus standing outside the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun has asked that you enter the Auchenai Crypts and speak with the Draenei 精神.


You've had quite an adventure, 朋友. And before you've even set foot inside of the Auchenai Crypts.

I am one of the fortunate spirits. I was neither bound to Levixus nor a part of Exarch Maladaar's vile experiments in necromancy. While you have destroyed Levixus, Maladaar lives on, continuing to torment the spirits inside the crypts.

What I ask is simple. Enter the Auchenai Crypts and speak with the Draenei 精神 there. You must destroy Exarch Maladaar.

  • 獎勵:
  • 經驗獎勵: 1040 XP

  • 任務等級: 67
  • 需要等級: 64
  • 任務類型: 地城

