
Disciples of Naralex

Speak with Nalpak in the Wailing Caverns.


朋友, this place is, shall I say, not optimal for my business endeavors. If it were more lively, I have an idea that would make me the richest goblin that's ever lived!

A 朋友 of your stature must see the potential in that, or at least care about the environment or something.

Go talk to Nalpak just inside the Wailing Caverns, he's a Disciple of Naralex and, just between you and me, I think they're going to fix this blasted place for good! It's my big break!

  • 奖励: 80
  • 经验奖励: 115 XP

  • 任务等级: 16
  • 需要等级: 15
