
Searching for the Lost Satchel

Search Ragefire Chasm for Maur Grimtotem's corpse and search it for any items of interest.


The troggs are not the only thing that interested Magatha in Ragefire Chasm. She has heard word that one of her servants, a Maur Grimtotem, found something peculiar while in the Chasm, but he never made it out to show her what. She'd like Maur's body found--if it still exists--and any signs of what he found while attempting to speak to the troggs.

Return to Magatha any items of interest, and I'm sure she would be very generous in her reward.

Again, seek the Chasm in the darkest areas of Orgrimmar.

  • 奖励:
  • 经验奖励: 880 XP

  • 任务等级: 16
  • 需要等级: 9
  • 任务类型: 地下城
  • 系列任务
  • 1. Searching for the Lost Satchel
  • 2. 归还背包
